WWII, Australia, Paintings, Families, Rocks

I found this story under a rock a while ago. (figuratively speaking) ...Which is fitting, because it's a tale of things hidden under a rock. (figuratively speaking) It starts on a farm My Granddaddy John grew up on a farm in Virginia.  It was a big farm.  It is possible that his family owned slaves … Continue reading WWII, Australia, Paintings, Families, Rocks

Kauai Bicycling

So I blew my back out over a year ago. (It's an extruded disc if you want to get technical.) My greatest lament has been my inability to lead a "normal" physically active life. I went so far as to purchase a stationary recumbent bicycle. That worked for a while until my back inexplicably worsened. … Continue reading Kauai Bicycling