I’m paying you to ‘do SEO’ …What else can we do?

cats look smarter in glasses

File this one under: Things SEO clients ask often enough to warrant a blog-post answer. Wow! Dan's hooking you up with the SEO secret sauce? Lucky you! Can we do anything else to make his job easier improve your organic Google visibility? Yes. Me: "What picture should I use?" Wife: "Lucy in glasses; he looks … Continue reading I’m paying you to ‘do SEO’ …What else can we do?

Google My Business Posts – What are they? How to? Why? Etc.

Is it too much of a pain in the ass/expense to keep adding timely content to your website or blog? Or do you already do that and you're looking for a way to up your SEO game without trying too much? I know it was just half a year ago, while showing you how to … Continue reading Google My Business Posts – What are they? How to? Why? Etc.

Automated Scheduling Google My Business Posts

This is Google's default "Google My Business Post" image. Will they make me take it down? We'll see. (This post is more than half a decade old. I'm guessing some of it is outdated by now.) I won't tell you much about Google My Business posts and how they're potentially great for your business, your … Continue reading Automated Scheduling Google My Business Posts